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How To Unlock STC Huawei E5172s-927 Router In KSA ?

Hi Friends , In This Blog I Will Guide you How To Unlock STC 
Huawei E5172s-927 Router. Just Follow The Given Steps and you done.
First you need to download the firmware from the given link. After removing the sim card from the router , Router shall be  powered on. Now you need to connect the router to the computer/Laptop, You can use Ethernet cable or WiFi to connect the router. Now you have to open the control panel. For that, you can type this address in the browser. Now you will be asked to provide your username and password. Just type the admin for both the user name and the password. Both the default username and password are admin. If you have changed this, then type it. After providing both username and password, you are logged into the control panel. Now on the top tab click the home tab. In the home tab, there is a subcategory of the update. CLICK ON UPDATE. Now select the downloaded file that is named as E5172S 920_Anti_STC_927_Update.BIN and Initiate Update. After the update has been done, you need to Re-start the routrer. Onec you have followed the instruction given below, you are done. Your router is unlocked  and ready for use. enjoy!

Open control panel by typing the address in the browser.

Simply type admin for both username and password.
Login to the control panel .
Go to Home and Than Update.
Choose the file E5172S 920_Anti_STC_927_Update.BIN for Update.